Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sababa is not just a word but a way of life... its like Hakuna Matata. Means "no worries" "is all good"

Shalom everyone, so here it is, my first blog after arriving to beautiful Tel Aviv. I knew that writing about my adventures here was going to be a task because a journey like this is always impossible to describe in words. The things that happen are too unexpected and reality seems to perfect to be real. I guess i should start by saying that it is 5:30 am IDT Israeli Daylight Time and I'm on the roof of our house where you can see over the Mediterranean sea and hear the rooster wake everyone up except for me, Sababa!!

Needless to say im in serious trouble with Jet Lag but im sure i'll get use to it I hope. So let's get down to the good stuff.  After arriving at the airport where they met us with a sign that said Zorro and we all looked a hot mess, they informed us that when we arrive to China there will be PAPARAZZI everywhere waiting for us so please dress up lol. I don't know how anyone can look paparazzi ready after a 15 hour flight but I'll let you know how that goes. When we got to the house we all had a nervous breakdown because from the outside it looked like an abandoned house and the neighbors house was looking a little sketchy. Turns out, our neighbor Oden is an amazing artist, he took us inside his house to look at his personal exhibition. Our house is gorgeous all over but the favorite part is this amazing rooftop with white floor, a rooster next door, and the woman who smokes a cigarette and watches us religiously.

The beach is to die for one of the things I mentioned that will be impossible to describe. We live a block away from there so you will be seeing lots of pictures. First night, we went to an amazing dinner overlooking the ocean and were served by shabe(gorgeous) Israeli man. I really want to speak Hebrew or at least learn as much as I can, even tho I will  forget it in China. Im recording every single person we interact with and ask them to say their name and their favorite Hebrew word and meaning. We have found that this is not only a great way to learn the language but also to meet people. Some of the words so far are to da- thank you, shabe(a)- gorgeous, ca ma- how much is it,  ma sha- what time is it, lur cud- dance, and quite a few more so im doing pretty good learning and putting them to use. For example I know how to say " Do you want to dance, gorgeous?" I think that should get me through for a month.

As we were walking back home by the beach we see hundreds of families just having picnics at 1am, kids in the beach under the moon, while their mothers just lay on their blankets looking at the stars smoking Hookah. This is was a lot of arabic people from what I gathered. Meanwhile the man had music gathering by the ocean singing and playing their flute, something that sounded like an Aladdin song when the snake dances to the sound of the flute. We joined one of their groups by approaching them and clapping. Next thing you know Im in a kick-line with arabic man repeating every single word they scream in celebration and not knowing what it means. It was a dancing group formed by only man while their wives watched us dance the night away. Two of the cast members that were girls were hesitant to join because they didn't know it was offensive or something but out of nowhere they were literally being tossed in the air and dancing.  This was our first night so the bar was set very high. 

Last night we had the best dinner with the producer, director, choreographer and everyone else. The restaurant was called "The old man and the Sea" when we got to the table it was covered with food, plates laying on top of our menu as if we needed to ask something more. Then we hear this was just appetizers. Nothing looked familiar, it was my first challenge of this trip. But the good thing is that im always scared to order something i can't see until they bring it, so having all this option on the table was perfect. I decided to try everything and I was doing pretty good until I felt way to comfortable and ate a spoon full of the spiciest shit ever, and of course I had ran out of lemonade. After that I was a little bit more careful.

Well I have left out a lot of information like our beach experiences, the first beach party, and other random things but I think is time for me to wake up with Tel Aviv. Im going for a run down the beach right now at 6am since is already light out and apparently I won't sleep. 

To da and Sababa!!!

Love Carlos


  1. Wow Carlos! This sounds amazing. I love the idea of recording the names and favorite words of the people you meet. You should make some kind of big collaborative art piece out of it when you come home. It could be really cool if you edited the words and maybe danced to it or something.

  2. Gettin' those challenges baby! Shoot, I'm so far behind. Life sounds beautiful in Tel Aviv. Maybe you can post some of the videos of people you've met? I'd love to see them.

    I miss you and wish I was at your side, but I know we've got plenty of time for travel adventures in the future :)

