This picture has nothing to do with what Im about to write, except for maybe the fact that my mother is laughing just as hard at me, when she sees how easy Im taking my last few days here. So easy, that I haven't even started packing, as a matter of fact I don't even have luggage at the moment. "I'll do It later, I have time". Truth is, that I don't have much time anymore. The countdown is now 6 days and 2 of those days are scheduled to PARTY!!! which means that the day after those crazy nights I will be useless, leaving me with only 2 days to do everything.
It does seem strange even to me that I'm not getting my usual pre-traveling symptoms. You see when I'm about to travel somewhere I get this funny feeling in my stomach every 2 seconds and I start acting EXTRA silly around the house. One of the side effects I get when Im about to depart, is finishing every sentence with "oh SHIT I'm going to..." For example, Hey dad can you pass me the salt, Oh SHIT I'm going to China.
Instead of these typical silly things which I'm sure everyone around me is happy that they're not happening, Im extra relax. Today I spent my entire day laying in bed with my sister watching old VCR Disney movies, eating chocolate ice cream cake, and reading my new obsession Eat, Pray, Love, which I will talk about later in this silly traveling blog.
Now I will go get ready for Party #1, tomorrow I might not even have energy to write anything.
dont stop writing my dear carlos i love every one of your stories please keep us updated we are going to be traveling together in this journey , you have all of our attention, love yenny